Dear Parents and Caregivers
I would like to thank and congratulate the school community for the manner in which they are conducting themselves in response to the current COVID-19 situation. Parents and carers are generally following the health orders and are showing a great deal of patience as we all try to work through the current set of circumstances. Thankyou! Our focus is to maximise the safety of the students, their families and the staff while endeavouring to keep things as normal as possible for the students. Following government directives, a number of extra-curricular activities have been cancelled or postponed, but we hope that as we adjust to “living with COVID” we will be able to resume activities such as assemblies and whole-school events. We are hoping that this will occur for the commencement of Term 2.
The teaching of literacy and numeracy will continue to be a focus at North Parmelia PS. These areas make up 50% of all we do. Parents can assist by encouraging their children to read at home and to strive hard to achieve their best. Parents can also assist their children with learning the 1000 NPPS sight words. These words will provide the children with a bank of words that they can read, spell and use in their writing.
Over the years the P and C have made a generous financial contribution to the school. These funds support the Mathletics and Reading Eggs Programs, Hip Hop, the Physical Education Program, the bus for swimming lessons and much more. The members of the P and C are superb supporters of our school and do a fine job. Throughout 2021 the P and C worked tirelessly. The year culminated brilliantly with the 50th Anniversary celebrations. I would like to once again thank the P and C for their incredible support of our school.
Important aspects of your child’s school life to be aware of are attendance, punctuality and organisation. Please encourage your child to go to bed at a reasonable time so that they are alert and ready to engage in the classroom program when they are at school. They should attend school every day they are able to, arrive at 8.30 am and come with the necessary requirements to complete their school work. Children should come to school following a wholesome breakfast and with a healthy recess and lunch, including fruit and water. Children should also attend school in school uniform, with a hat and appropriate footwear. Please be aware of how your child is getting to and from school. In this warmer weather, students are encouraged to stay out of bush areas for fear of snakes.
By establishing good habits now, you will be setting your child up to experience success at school and also in relation to their later life. If they are absent please provide an explanation via a note, email or via a phone call.
In summary, the school’s vision is “Together, we will be daring and robust learners.” A child will achieve their best results at school when the school, parents and child are working together and supporting each other.
Peter Elsegood