Gardening Club

The students from Rooms 1 to 4 are invited to take part in Gardening Club at recess, three times a week.  The students learn to propagate plants from seed and cuttings which are used in the veggie patch or the school garden.  They fertilize the garden with compost and beautify the school gardens by planting or watering.  They are rewarded by harvesting what is growing in the veggie patch throughout the seasons.

Rehabilitation of the Surrounding Bushlands

North Parmelia Primary School has been very successful with grants from various groups locally and nationally.  These grants have helped fund many rehabilitation projects around the school.  Some examples have been the Woolworths/Landcare Kindy nature play area, the ALCOA ‘Bring Back the Birds’ garden opposite the Junior basketball court and the City of Kwinana ‘Green Canopy’ rehab work on the bottom oval.  The students in the Upper Primary are invited each year to rehabilitate the surrounding bushland in a tree planting project run through the City of Kwinana.

Flower Power

The Garden Club kids love to plant and pick flowers in the veggie/flower patch.  The Garden Club kids help to arrange flowers for special events like Friendly Kids lunch, community morning teas and Graduation.  They love to share the work they do in the garden with others.