Kindergarten Enrolments

Kindergarten Enrolments  are now open for  2023. 

Closing date Friday, 22 July 2022. 

Applications for any new students PP—Year 6 are also open. 

Applications and information can be found in the enrolment section or call into the School Office to collect an Application.

Hero Hunter Day

Thank you to the school community for your ongoing support in our various programs this year. We raised $336 for childhood cancer and honoured the memory of Hunter Madden who tragically passed away from cancer on September, 22nd 2021. He was a good friend to one of our students at North Parmelia. 

The students and staff dressed up as their superhero and the leaders read an educational book over the PA describing childhood cancer in a child in a friendly way. The book is titled “Hero Hunter and the Wonky White Cells” by Sarah Stanley. The book describes Hunter’s journey from his diagnosis to his treatment and is written for children. 

Hero Hunter was such a brave boy and is an inspiration to all.

Partnerships and Relationships

Dear Parents and Caregivers

At North Parmelia PS we are very fortunate to benefit from a range of partnerships and relationships with the local community. These relationships include a long running partnership with the City of Kwinana which provides the school with significant support. The school community will be familiar with the Crescendo program that operates in the school as a result of the support of the WA Symphony Orchestra. This music program has been an important contributor to the significantly improved academic results now apparent at North Parmelia PS, through the music lessons, the orchestra performances and the violin program. The Smith Family has also made an important contribution to the enhanced academic results through their sponsorship program, Learning for Life, as well as the Learning Club and other targeted programs. The Institute of Indigenous Well Being and Sport has been providing support to indigenous students since 2020. The partnership with Tronox, a company that operates on the Kwinana Strip is continuing in 2022. Tronox is supporting the school’s Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics (STEAM) program through financial support, support for excursions and providing incentives for students to strive to achieve their best results. The school also benefits from a sensational P and C and School Council. These organisations work hard to improve the tone in the school, and similarly provide financial support that has greatly improved school facilities. Our Breakfast Club is supported by Foodbank.

North Parmelia PS is enriched through the relationships and partnerships that exist within the school and across the community. This level of support is indeed, greatly valued and appreciated.

The NAPLAN Practice Tests will be conducted on Thursday, 24th March 2022, with our Year 3 and Year 5 students. The practice tests are designed to prepare the students for the actual NAPLAN tests to be conducted from 10 May to 13 May 2022. Year 3 and Year 5 parents and carers will receive a comprehensive document containing information about NAPLAN 2022.

The school continues to manage the COVID-19 situation. There has been some impact at the school but at this stage no students or staff have actually had the virus to the school’s knowledge. If this were to occur the students effected would be notified and asked to isolate for 7 days. Parents and carers will be notified via a text where they will be directed to an informative email, which will describe the course of action the school and families should take. Parents and carers are asked to continue to maintain COVID-Safe practices including mask wearing, social distancing, limiting interaction in the school, and seeking medical advice if their child experiences flu-like symptoms. Students from Year 3 to Year 6 are now required to wear a mask whilst indoors. Thank you for the support the school community has been showing regarding this situation.

Peter Elsegood

Congratulations to our school community

Dear Parents and Caregivers

I would like to thank and congratulate the school community for the manner in which they are conducting themselves in response to the current COVID-19 situation. Parents and carers are generally following the health orders and are showing a great deal of patience as we all try to work through the current set of circumstances. Thankyou! Our focus is to maximise the safety of the students, their families and the staff while endeavouring to keep things as normal as possible for the students. Following government directives, a number of extra-curricular activities have been cancelled or postponed, but we hope that as we adjust to “living with COVID” we will be able to resume activities such as assemblies and whole-school events. We are hoping that this will occur for the commencement of Term 2.

The teaching of literacy and numeracy will continue to be a focus at North Parmelia PS. These areas make up 50% of all we do. Parents can assist by encouraging their children to read at home and to strive hard to achieve their best. Parents can also assist their children with learning the 1000 NPPS sight words. These words will provide the children with a bank of words that they can read, spell and use in their writing.

Over the years the P and C have made a generous financial contribution to the school. These funds support the Mathletics and Reading Eggs Programs, Hip Hop, the Physical Education Program, the bus for swimming lessons and much more. The members of the P and C are superb supporters of our school and do a fine job. Throughout 2021 the P and C worked tirelessly. The year culminated brilliantly with the 50th Anniversary celebrations. I would like to once again thank the P and C for their incredible support of our school.

Important aspects of your child’s school life to be aware of are attendance, punctuality and organisation. Please encourage your child to go to bed at a reasonable time so that they are alert and ready to engage in the classroom program when they are at school. They should attend school every day they are able to, arrive at 8.30 am and come with the necessary requirements to complete their school work. Children should come to school following a wholesome breakfast and with a healthy recess and lunch, including fruit and water. Children should also attend school in school uniform, with a hat and appropriate footwear. Please be aware of how your child is getting to and from school. In this warmer weather, students are encouraged to stay out of bush areas for fear of snakes.

By establishing good habits now, you will be setting your child up to experience success at school and also in relation to their later life. If they are absent please provide an explanation via a note, email or via a phone call.

In summary, the school’s vision is “Together, we will be daring and robust learners.” A child will achieve their best results at school when the school, parents and child are working together and supporting each other.

Peter Elsegood

Welcome back to 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to the 2022 school year at North Parmelia PS, our 51st year of serving the families of Parmelia. 2021 was a wonderful year, as we navigated COVID-19 and still managed to celebrate our 50th year anniversary. In 2022 we hope to continue in the same manner. Our focus is on maintaining the school program as normally as possible, whilst keeping everyone as safe from COVID-19 as possible. There will be some challenges as the Omicron variant spreads in the community and as our borders open.

The government, Department of Education and the school are working together with the community to endeavour to maintain a normal program and keep everyone as safe as possible. Currently parents and carers have full access to the school, albeit that masks are required when entering indoor areas. Anyone that works or volunteers at the school on a regular basis (one session per week) is required to be double vaccinated, and triple vaccinated when they are eligible for their booster. There is a requirement to show vaccination certificates in the front office if you are a regular worker or volunteer at the school. Parents and carers dropping of students and picking them up are not required to show proof of vaccination. The school has been advised to contact parents and carers if students present at school with cold or flu-like symptoms. Parents and carers will be requested to pick them up and seek medical advice. If students are required to self – isolate a work package will be provided. Given this, parents and carers are requested to keep their children home and seek medical advice if their children are experiencing flu-like symptoms. As matters evolve the government, guided by the Chief Health Officer, will adjust these conditions.

Parents and carers are reminded, that for security reasons, the gates to the school will be closed at 3.15 pm. There were a number of incidents at the end of last year, where people with no business at the school, were on site after the students left.

As mentioned, we are keen to keep the educational experience for students as normal as possible. Mr Tang has organised a wide range of sporting activities to engage students and build their fitness and skills. These include hockey clinics, winter sport training, cricket training, swim trials, swim training and cricket and swimming interschool competitions. Harmony Week will be celebrated, but we are yet to confirm the BBQ / picnic event. Mrs Gilewski will be inviting 30 students to Sculptures By The Sea and the Year 6 Camp is planned for Week 7. The Easter Hat Parade is planned for the Thursday morning of Week 10, whilst the ANZAC Observance is planned for the afternoon of Friday 8 April, 2022.

North Parmelia PS is blessed with a professional, competent and committed staff. Our staff is very stable and although some of the roles have changed in 2022, the staff is essentially the same as it was at the end of last year. We do welcome Mrs McCoy back to us. She will be working in a specialist teacher capacity.

Alongside our stable and competent staff, the school will continue the NPPS Common Curriculum approach, with our focus of explicit instruction and engagement. The specialist programs of Visual Arts, Indonesian, Physical Education and Technology will continue. The school is fortunate to be supported by the WA Symphony Orchestra Crescendo program, The Institute of Indigenous Well-Being and Sport Young Achiever Club, the Smith Family, AIEO (Cultural Support) and the School Chaplain. The school is also well supported by the City of Kwinana and state and federal government programs.

Peter Elsegood
